Di Nicola and Baratto at the XXXV National Congress of the Italian Society of Criminology


Andrea Di Nicola and Gabriele Baratto will present at the XXXV National Congress of the Italian Society of Criminology entitled “Relazioni virtuali, vittime reali” (Virtual relations, real Victims) (Rome, October 6-8, 2022) with the following speech:

  • Andrea Di NicolaRete e controllo sociale (Network and Social Control) – II Session: Diritti umani e principi etici attraverso la rete (Human Rights and Ethical Principles on the Net) – Friday, October 7, 9:15 a.m.
  • Gabriele BarattoIl commercio del sesso nella società digitale (The Sex Trade in the Digital Society) – IV Session: La violenza corre nella rete (Violence Runs on the Net) – Friday, October 7, 2:35 p.m.

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